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Sunday 11 June 2017

A work, a tale

Sunday 11 June 2017

A work, a tale

“My body moves forward, but my spirit disagrees and falls backward, like a silk banner born into the wind.”

“Oh love, of which only the ashes remain, how could you burn so for beings such as I”

Kalidasa (ca. 4th-5th centuries), The Sign of Sakuntala, play in 7 acts, French translation from the Sanskrit by P.-E. Foucaux, 1867

Sakuntala is a poem by the famous Hindu poet Kalidasa (ca. 4th-5th centuries). This story, inspired by translations and theatrical adaptations of the poem during the 19th century, relates the fable of Sakuntala.

A short presentation of what this “elegiac” theme managed to awaken in the oeuvre of Camille Claudel follows this storytelling. The plaster work Sakuntala earned Camille Claudel an honourable mention at the Salon des Artistes Français art exhibition in 1888. A marble version of this work entitled Vertumnus and Pomona is housed at the Musée Rodin. Presented at the Salon d'Automne in 1905, the bronze version was renamed The Abandonment and cast by Blot.

Public: children aged 4 and older 

Practical information

Place :
Camille Claudel Museum

10, rue Gustave Flaubert
10400 Nogent-sur-Seine

Horaires & Tarifs :

At 4:30 PM
Duration: 25 minutes

Admission per person: general museum admission

On-site registration at the museum reception, 30 minutes prior to the start of the tour: subject to availability.